A time honored tradition in Kindergarten, gingerbread houses! This year we added a new tradition twist; we asked 5th grade students to help assist our younger foxes.
about 2 years ago, FES
Gingerbread houses made by Kinder
Playful learning filled our school today. From a holiday market, to passport travel around the world, a jingle bell run through the halls of the school, Colonial American games and more. We hope each fox and their den have a wonderful winter break!
about 2 years ago, FES
Colonial Games 4th Grade
Jingle Bell Run through the hallways
1st grade Holiday Market
3rd grade holidays around the world
The Wildlife Center of Virginia visited our school today. Students learned what to do if they find a wild animal in need, met some rescued animals and asked many great questions. All students who attended today's assemblies earned this reward through good behavior.
about 2 years ago, FES
Wildlife Center of Virginia PBIS assembly
Surprise! Santa and the Grinch both visited our school today. Like good foxes, we shared our cookies with them too!
about 2 years ago, FES
Santa and Grinch Visit
Students in Mrs. Bailey and Ms. Mauro's 2nd grade classes had an interactive lesson on soil and water conservation. Stephanie DeNicola, from the Culpeper Soil and Water Conservation District, taught the students that all things end up in our water.
about 2 years ago, FES
Water and Soil Conversation lesson in 2nd grade
What a fun morning! EVHS band and Farmington's 4th & 5th grade music club students performed for a winter concert. The room was full of beautiful music, voices, and holiday spirit. As a bonus, it was pajama day too!
about 2 years ago, FES
Winter Concert EVHS 2022
Due to the winter weather advisory, CCPS will open 2 hours late on Thursday, December 15, 2022. Twelve month employees report two hours late, essential personnel report on time. We will monitor weather and road conditions and revise our inclement weather status if necessary. Any status change will be made no later than 7 a.m.
about 2 years ago, Culpeper County Public Schools
icy road 2 hour delay
Igloo STEAM Challenge! Mrs. Casasanta's 5th grade class were engineers building igloos that would withstand the Arctic winds. Students were creative thinkers who practiced their communication and collaboration skills.
about 2 years ago, FES
Igloo Steam Challenge 5th
Today Farmington's SCA helped to box up all the donations for the Culpeper Community Christmas Basket program. These donations will help feed our local community this season. Thank you all for your generosity!
about 2 years ago, FES
SCA Canned Food Donations 2022
FES Art Club welcomed a guest speaker Lauren Thomas. She shared her passion as a pastry chef and cake artist with the students. They enjoyed her sweetness and a cupcake!
over 2 years ago, FES
Art Club Guest Lauren Thomas
Congratulations to all the students who participated in the 4th & 5th grade school spelling bee. This year's winners will move on to the county elementary spelling bee. A special thank you to our guest pronouncer, Jim DeVries, and guest judges Kathy Garrett and Wes Mayles. Ms. Harris (Spelling Bee sponsor) and all the foxes appreciate your willingness to help!
over 2 years ago, FES
Spelling Bee collage
Spelling Bee Judges and Sponsor
Reminder- PTO Movie Night Friday, December 9, 2022 Doors will open at 5:15 p.m. Movie starts at 5:30 p.m. Please bring a blanket or chair and join us!
over 2 years ago, FES
PTO Movie Night
Students in fourth and fifth grade had the opportunity to go to State Climb for an off campus learning experience.
over 2 years ago, FES
State Climb field trip collage picture
After reading Balloons over Broadway, some of our students created their own parade floats. They brought them to life in front of the green screen, creating the first annual Farmington Macy's Parade.
over 2 years ago, FES
Balloons Over Broadway
Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class had a little extra fun during language art rotations today. Students were fully engaged, collaborating, problem solving, and learning to code!
over 2 years ago, FES
K Smith Writing
K Smith Beebot Coding
K Smith L.A. small group
K Smith L.A. small group instruction
Mrs. Fick's 5th grade class helped stop the "Matter Hatter." Breakouts challenge students to collaborate, communicate, and critically think while solving the hands-on lesson.
over 2 years ago, FES
Matter Hatter Breakout 5th Grade
Third grade celebrated learning about Ancient Egypt through classroom rotations. Students wrote their names in hieroglyphics, colored sarcophagi, answered trivia to navigate Beebots, made a collaborative sphynx collage, and built pyramids using Keva planks.
over 2 years ago, FES
Ancient Egypt Centers-3rd Grade
Fall is in the air at Farmington! Turkey glyphs, pumpkin patch art, fall writing, story books, and more have been found all over the school. Even the turkey thinks it's a great day to be a fox!
over 2 years ago, FES
Turkey book read aloud
Preschools pumpkin patch artwork
Writing in K
3rd grade glyph
The SCA is sponsoring a canned food drive to help benefit the Culpeper Community Christmas Basket program. We will be collecting canned or boxed items until December 13, 2022. No glass containers please.
over 2 years ago, FES
FES SCA Canned Food Drive
FES SCA Canned Food Display
FES SCA Canned Food Drive Ad
Today we honor and remember all Veterans. We are blessed to have two on our staff. Farmington's SCA and Mrs. Smith's K class made this display as a small thank you for all your service and sacrifice.
over 2 years ago, FES
Veterans Day Banner with FES SCA and Mr. M