A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon is the story of Camilla Cream. Camilla is a girl who loves lima beans and worries about the opinions of others. On Dress as a Book Character Day, Mrs. Koberlein did a variety of activities based on this book.
over 2 years ago, FES
A Case of the Bad Stripes Character Activities
Congratulations @CCPSFarm Dwight Sanker for being recognized with the CCPS Spotlight Recognition! Read more in our news!
over 2 years ago, Culpeper County Public Schools
Mr. Sanker receiving award
Mr Sanker and Dr Brads
4th graders from art club entered the Red Ribbon Week poster contest. Congratulations to our poster contest winners, who remind us to be happy, healthy, and drug free. Be smart, don't start!
over 2 years ago, FES
Red Ribbon Week poster contest winners
Beebot Mania! The elementary ITRTs visited our first grade classrooms today to teach our students about coding. They had fun being engineers!
over 2 years ago, FES
Beebot coding lesson with first grade
We're thrilled to announce a new app for Culpeper Schools! It's everything Culpeper Schools, in your pocket! Download for Android https://bit.ly/3C8PQGH Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3SeOxeN
over 2 years ago, Culpeper County Public Schools
Everything Culpeper Schools in Your Pocket
It was a great time at our PTO sponsored Trick & Trunk or Treat. It was fun to see so many families and we enjoyed all the costumes and candy. Thank you to everyone who donated candy or their time to help make this event a success for our students.
over 2 years ago, FES
Pictures from PTO's Trunk or Treat
Character Day 2022 Students and staff had a great time celebrating Red Ribbon Week.
over 2 years ago, FES
Staff and students dressed up for character day
Farmington has been celebrating Red Ribbon Week. This week reminds us to be happy, brave, and drug free. Tomorrow is Literary Character day. Join us for Trick and Trunk or Treat Friday, October 28 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Farmington.
over 2 years ago, FES
Students celebrating Red Ribbon Week
Trick & Trunk or Treat Friday 5 to 6 p.m.
Farmington's kindergarteners are thankful for Officer Hefner who invited different community helpers to tell us all about their jobs and equipment. We met firefighters, police officers, EMT's and even a K9 unit! We thank all of our community helpers who keep us safe!
over 2 years ago, FES
Community helpers (fire, police, emt) visit Farmington
Today is our DAY OF AWESOMENESS! The kids (and adults) are having a blast. It's a great day to be a fox!
over 2 years ago, FES
Day of Awesomeness outside at FES
Farmington's PTO will host a Trick and Trunk or Treat on Friday, October 28, 2022 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Farmington. Volunteers are needed for this event! Please contact fesfoxespto@gmail.com to sign up! PTO is also asking for commercially pre-wrapped donations of candy.
over 2 years ago, FES
Trick & Trunk or Treat
During Art Club, retired Farmington teacher, Nina Williams, displayed a variety of fiber arts such as scarves, ornaments, and stockings. Students learned how to turn alpaca fiber into yarn. They were also shown a demonstration on how to treadle a spinning wheel.
over 2 years ago, FES
Fiber Art
Culpeper County Public Schools is extremely grateful for our Family Resource Center and the amazing people who work there every day! Thank you @CCPS_FRC for ALL that you do for our school community! #ALLin4CCPS
over 2 years ago, Culpeper County Public Schools
FRCF Staff
Farmington Elementary celebrates National Hispanic Heritage month! With the support of their ITRT, Mrs. Nicholson, students researched, made a presentation, recorded and narrated videos for the morning announcements. @CCPSFarm #HispanicHeritageMonth
over 2 years ago, Culpeper County Public Schools
Farmington students present videos for Hispanic Heritage Month
Farmington Elementary Hispanic Heritage Month display
To honor Patriot Day and celebrate Constitution Day, CCPS will have a division-wide Red, White & Blue day on Friday, 9/16. Share your spirit using #CCPSspirit
over 2 years ago, Culpeper County Public Schools
CCPS spirit red white and blue