Congratulations to our first $50 Amazon drawing winner. Way to Step It Up! https://app.pop4kids.org/farmingtones22701

Farmington kicked off our STEAM Engine Program fundraiser today. And that’s not all…our Awesome PTO will be having a Day of Awesomeness for the entire school!

We had a great turnout for our Back to School Night. Families were able to hear about our proud Title-I school, visit classrooms, meet the PTO and enjoy a sweet treat on the playground. Building a strong school community makes everyday a great day to be a fox!

Reminder- Back to School Night is Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
Discover all the new and exciting adventures your child will explore and learn this year!
(Enter through the doors by the library/gymnasium)

Farmington now has a buddy bench! This was made possible through the school family participating in the 2022-2023 NexTrex recycling program and the Culpeper Mid-Day Lions club.

Join us for Back to School Night on Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
(Enter through the doors by the library/gymnasium)

Literature and art combined for our 1st grade and kindergarten students in art this week. Ms. Coloney read students The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and had them create their own caterpillars using pre-painted watercolor materials.

Congratulations to Violet, Kevin and Charlee! These students each read 20 books in 6 different genres over the summer break. Their sweet reward was delivered after lunch today. Special thanks to Chick-fil-A Culpeper Colannade for donating the milkshakes!

Students in fifth grade have been studying the scientific method. Today, these junior scientists completed an experiment. Students concluded that Mentos will create a reaction in carbonated liquid.

Our 5th graders can join the band this year! Registration and Instrument Selection Night will be Wednesday, August 30th at 6:00 at Culpeper Middle School. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Dowen at sdowen@ccpsweb.org. A letter will be sent home in the weekly folder with information.

The first day of school was a great day!

A note from the nurse:

Meet the Teacher was a great success! School starts Wednesday, August 9. We are excited for all of our new and returning foxes. It is going to be a great year!

Our staff is ready for another great school year! Meet the teacher is Monday, August 7 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. There will be an informational parent meeting at 5:00 p.m. in room 14 for parents of students in the ESOL program at Farmington Elementary.

We have more FOXES to welcome to the family!

Parents, there will be an informational parent meeting during Meet the Teacher day for parents of students in the ESOL program at Farmington Elementary. The meeting will be at 5pm on August 7th in room 14.
Padres, habrá una reunión informativa para padres durante el día Meet the Teacher para padres de estudiantes en el programa ESOL en Farmington Elementary. La reunión será a las 5pm el 7 de agosto en el salón 14.

Welcome our newest foxes to the family!

Parents/Guardians of students who were enrolled in Culpeper County Public Schools for the 2022-2023 school year should have received an email earlier today to complete a registration update for the 2023-2024 school year. If families did not receive the email, there is a link on the CCPS website.
This registration update for “returning students” is required in order for students to start school on August 9th.
It is extremely important that families log in to their parent portal account and complete the “returning student” registration update for each child in school. This is an opportunity to review and update any changes to your address, phone numbers, email, health information, emergency contacts, and transportation plan for the new school year.
For issues logging in to Parent Portal or to request paper registration forms, families should contact their child’s school.
SPANISH: https://tinyurl.com/yvuj4jfz

It's almost time to complete "Returning Student Registration" for the 2023-2024 school year! Be on the lookout for more information regarding this very important process NEXT WEEK!

It's almost time to complete "Returning Student Registration" for the 2023-2024 school year!
Be on the lookout for more information regarding this very important process NEXT WEEK!