The whole school has been enthralled with the Masked Reader competition this week.
Today is the big reveal!!
Listen to the story, follow all the clues, make your guess!
Click here:
Genius Hour, aka Passion Projects, is an educational initiative that allows students to explore their passions and interests in a self-directed manner. Students in Mrs. Fick's Language Arts class were given dedicated time to work on a project of their choosing before presenting to the class.
SCA Meeting Reminder
It's CCPS Employee Appreciation week for the Technology Department! Be sure to thank them for all that they do!
🌟 Get ready for an exciting week with spirit days for Read Across America & The Masked Reader Competition! Join us for a new story each day. But here's the twist –the readers will be wearing masks, leaving you to guess who's behind the mask.
Way to go, Heynor! He is our weekly math challenge winner. The contest is a close race and there is still time to earn more points for your class.
Family STEAM Night was a great success! Families, staff and students enjoyed a variety of hands-on activities this evening.
Last chance to take the Title I, II and III parent survey! Survey closes tomorrow (March 1, 2024)! Go to for links, or use the QR codes.
Family STEAM Night
Next week Farmington will celebrate READ ACROSS AMERICA week.
Each day, we will celebrate the story of the day by listening to a read aloud on our morning announcements by the “masked readers”.
Growing minds are powered by proper nutrition. By rounding up at the @MARTIN'S register, you’re directly supporting CCPS's efforts to combat childhood hunger through school feeding programs. Round up today!
#FeedingSchoolKids #EliminatingHunger #TheGIANTCompany
Another week, another winner! Ms. Mauro's class is back in the lead. The competition is close and there is still over a month left!
The Culpeper County School Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed fiscal 2025 budget for Culpeper County Public Schools on Monday, March 11, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the County Administration Office, 302 N. Main Street. Parents and citizens are encouraged to provide input regarding their views of the educational needs of our students and priorities of our school division.
The School Board believes strongly that community input is vital to the budget process. All concerned Culpeper County citizens are encouraged to attend the School Budget Public Hearing.
Farmington and CCPS have many events coming up.
Mark your calendars today and join in.
All events are FREE!
We have another math fluency challenge winner! Avery from 1st grades won a gift card to Chick-fil-A! It is a close race but Ms. Bailey's class has taken the lead. Keep up the great work FOXES!
Save the Date! Two great FREE family events with CCPS.
Objective: Build a bridge out of nothing but toothpicks and glue!
This STEAM challenge utilizes physics, engineering, math and collaboration skills.
After completing these builds in Ms. Harris' class, the teams tested their designs to see the amount of weight their bridges could hold.
We have another winner!
Congratulations to this week's math fluency challenge winner! Keylor from Mrs. McMahon's class won a gift card to Chick-fil-A! This contest does not end until March 29, 2024.
Kindness Week is February 12th through February 16th.
Simple day-to-day acts of kindness enable our schools, communities, and state to be a kinder, safer, healthier and more inclusive place to live, work, learn and play. Join us in our Kindness Spirit Week!
Save the Date!
Rising 6th Grade Parent & Student Info Night
Wednesday, March 6, 2024 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
at Floyd T. Binns (Gymansium)